Eudora 8.0b7


Eudora 8.0b7 (4 Sep 2009)
The latest beta release of Eudora, version 8.0b7 (which includes the Penelope extension) is now available for download. Use the links below to download. Please see the README for information on how to submit bug reports and new feature requests.
Note we changed the naming convention to be more inline with Thunderbird and to simplify things. 8.0b7 is the first release since 8.0.0b6. Eudora 8.0b7 is based on the Thunderbird 3.0b3 source code, so add-ons that do not work with Thunderbird 3.0b3 likely will not work with this beta version.

Installation Note
Windows users upgrading from Penelope 0.1a19 have things pretty easy, but there's an extra step: uninstall Thunderbird, install Eudora 8, start Eudora, go into the Tools/Add-ons menu item and uninstall Penelope a19. Upon restarting Eudora the version of Penelope that came with it will automatically be reinstalled.
NOTE: many add-ons that worked with Eudora beta 1 won't work with beta 2 (or later, as of 2/8/08). It's a smart idea to do a full backup of all your mailboxes and preferences files before doing the upgrade, as "in place" upgrades may have problems.

そして、先ずはEudora 8.0b6で正常動作を確認し、その後Eudora 8.0b7をダウンロードした。

About Eudoraでリリースを確認する。
